Gas and militarism

By importing (liquefied) gas, we escalate wars, support authoritarian regimes, turn a blind eye to human rights violations and make ourselves dependent on dictators. That is why today we are blocking the route to all companies complicit in this.

Ships full of liquefied gas dock at the Gate Terminal in Rotterdam. They come from dictatorships such as Qatar, Egypt, Russia, Israel and Equatorial Guinea, among others. So companies like Shell, Vopak and Gasunie are still doing business with regimes that violate human rights, and in doing so, the Netherlands is lining the war chest of genocidal figures like Netanyahu and Putin.

In Mozambique, gas projects by Total, ENI and ExxonMobil lead to thousands of refugees in an area already ravaged by war between the army and ISIS-affiliated groups. And by importing gas from Equatorial Guinea, the Netherlands is funding the world's second-longest sitting dictator.

Give Counter-Gas is for a fair, green and democratic energy system, that way we will no longer be dependent on the gas that destroys so many lives on so many. Our energy system should be in our hands.